Book Your Tour
To Book your tour, confirm the date is available on our schedule by clicking Schedule. If the date is open and no one has emailed for the date prior it's yours.
You can ONLY book a tour by emailing tours@ywguiding.com
Since every tour is customized we do not have an automated booking system. We need to tailor each trip just for you and because of that you can only book a tour via Email.
With the complete info and questions answered I will send you a confirmation email. If you have any questions be sure to read the FAQ's below and if you don't find the info on the tour pages or FAQ section please email.
To book your tour email the following details:
● What date and part of the day, morning or evening, would you like to book? See the Schedule here.
● What kind of Safari or Tour you would like to book? See Tour Options here.
● What sights or wildlife are you most interested in seeing, learning and/or photographing?
● How long of a tour you would like: 4 hour (3.5 hour Winter), 6 hour, or 8 hour tour?
● What Estes Park Hotel or Resort you are staying at? (I will pick you up there)
● I will recommend a start time once I know what kind of tour you wish. Please Confirm that time will work for you.
● What are the first names and age of each guest that will be on the tour?
● A cell phone number to reach you during your trip?
● What website or search engine did you learn about Yellow Wood Guiding?